Thursday, March 21, 2013

Some things you should try!

As I said before in the last post, you seriously need to try my Green Monster Smoothie. It sounds and it may look terribly disgusting- but once you start drinking it, you will think differently. Keep in mind spinach and lettuce taste like nothing by itself, and when you add peanut butter and banana together, those tastes are yummay! Seriously. Try.

Green Monster Smoothie
1 cup almond milk (or any type of milk)
1/2 cup yogurt- give or take, however you like it
1/2 frozen banana
1-2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter (regular works great too)
As much spinach as you can fit in your blender
And add the optional fixins to make your Green Monster even healthier:
-chia seeds
-coconut oil
-protein powder
You know you are a running nerd when you get excited your new running log comes in the mail. I love writing down my training and looking back on it. The biggest thing I love about training logs is when I can log each race down and compare them to past years! Once again, I am such a nerd.
I really like it and can't wait to start logging miles in it! (hopefully in six more days...) Being injured sucks. Anyways, before I go off topic and complain more how much being injured isn't fun, let me talk about this log. It has a month planning training before your weekly diary. I really like planning my training beforehand so that is a plus. It also has little tips and facts everywhere I look, which I really like. Oh, and it has a pace chart too!!!!!! When I'm wanting to do a 400 workout now, instead of trying to do each 400 in blazing speeds of 1:00 I should be remembering that according to my pace chart and target pace level, I should be doing them in 1:19, lots of them.

I purchased it HERE! I really recommend training logs to all runners.

One of the tips was this and I'll leave you with this to ponder:
"Its okay to run slowly. Very slowly. Elite African runners tend to run at a snail's pace in their recovery workouts between harder training sessions. By doing so, they get the benefits of time in motion without interfering with their recovery from previous hard training or sabotaging their performance on their next hard session. Take a page from the Africans' book and take it really easy on your easy days."

You hear that, guys? :)

OH- and sorry for the randomnest of this post, BUT DAM TO DAM registration opens up TODAY! If you are in the Des Moines area, register for the best race around- Iowa's Distance Classic! It is my favorite road run to date.

Do you keep a training log? Are you good about writing everything down?
Do you have slow training days?
Are you training for a race right now? 

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